The Calm AFTER the Storm...
Isn't she a little lover!
The main topic of conversation was what her middle name should be.
All of our kids have middle names and they are all named after a family member.
We narrowed it down to...
Lilly Amelia
Lilly Brooke
Lilly Rebecca
Kevin was pushing for Rebecca and by the end of the night his wish was granted and he filled out the birth certificate as Lilly Rebecca Beck.
-All the heads of hair to do
(I was not blessed with the gene my sisters Natalie and Kim were giving them the ability to fix little girls hair--they are both awesome at it)
-the violin lessons
-the hormones
-the dating years
-the weddings
And then the overwhelmed feeling was replaced with peace and gratitude for every one of these little princesses, along with the words coming to mind...
"Take just one day at a time".