Winter Camping and Packrats...

4pm Yesterday
Dakota: Mom, can I go to the scout camp this weekend?
Mom: I'm going to have to talk to your Dad about it.
(I am anti-winter camps in all it's forms)
8am Today
Dakota: Dad, Mom's going to talk to you about scout camp, I'm really going to need you to fight for me on this one.
Mom gives in.
Dakota wins.
Here he is filling out the permission form, so excited he can hardly stand it.
Mom doesn't get it.
This is what happens when Janie wakes up at 6am instead of 8am.

A nesting nightmare...

I've decided it's pretty much impossible to keep up with these little packrats.
It wasn't all that long ago that I cleaned out the girls room.
You'd never know it.
I finally had to walk away.
It may take all week for me to finish.


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