Turning Corners, Good Food, and Feeding the Lonely
I've mentioned our big family breakfast we have every Sunday.
The preparation and clean-up is a group effort.
I am always in the middle of the clean-up part--I work along side of the kids, making sure everything gets done and no one disappears before we're finished.
Today I left the clean-up scene right when it started--I got side tracked with getting Janie ready, packing the diaper bag, and blow drying my hair. About 20 minutes went by and I realized what I had done.
I hurried back to the kitchen, assuming I would find very little cleaned up and everyone gone, but was pleasantly surprised (and a little shocked) to find this...
We make it a priority to eat better on Sunday than any other day of the week.
Emmy made us these delicious caramel pecan brownies...Dakota made plain brownies for the 2 caramel haters in the family.
Janie teaching Papa Tom all about what she learned in church today.
My Mom is visiting her Dad in Idaho so we saved my Dad from a lonely Sunday meal and invited him over for dinner. Meals at our house are anything but lonely!