Meet 7...

I have been a slacker in the blogging department.
It's all I can do to keep up on THIS blog and keep the kids fed and in clean clothes.
And here's why...

We're all pretty excited about a new addition to the family.
Here are a few of the reactions from the kids when we told them the news...
Emmy: "I knew it!"
Kloe: "When are you too old to have babies, and how do they get in you anyway?"
Gracie: "Ya mom how do they get in you anyway?"
Kevin: "Just so you know, this is my LAST installment."
Kloe: (she had the most to say) "You know mom, pretty much no one in the family wants a girl this time."
When I asked Jackson if it was a little weird to be in high school and his mom having a baby he replied, "Eh, what's one more." That's the spirit!
My reaction..."Yes! I'll still be in my 30's (barely) when this little one is delivered!"

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