Back to School...
He's off and running with his breakfast of champions.
Nice shoes he scored when he went on the annual GLSSSS!
(Grandma Linda School Shoe Shopping Spree)
Jax continues to be one of Under Armour's biggest supporters...
He's in the thick of football and loving it.
When I sent him a text on his first day asking how things were going he replied,
When I sent him a text on his first day asking how things were going he replied,
"I'm just not a school guy".
She is the Chief Yearbook Editor and head of Journalism
(I think those are her titles, she'll correct me if I'm wrong).
She's also in the Granite Youth Symphony again this year.
She's loving her music, loving being the boss, and I'm loving that she's not boy crazy like I was at her age :)
and isn't that a lovely dishwasher we have.
He has a very important job...
Ever heard of professional dog walkers?
Well he's a professional "child" walker.
He walks his sisters and half the neighborhood to and from school.
Dakota is still a football man.
He's been practicing a bunch and is getting ready to start the season next month!
This year they can only speak Spanish during the 2nd half of the day.
She was nervous about it but she's doing great!
She's still working hard at the violin.
She was nervous about it but she's doing great!
She's still working hard at the violin.
I promised her if she'd practice every day without complaining she could take piano.
She's done great and started piano lessons this month!
And that brings us to Janie...who will not be going to school for a while but is learning to talk extremely well.
She's also very polite.
The kids have taught her to say please and thank you.
"Binky Please?"
"Milk Please, Mom?"
It's really the cutest thing ever.
Thankfully she survived the summer as she seems to be a little top heavy...