Happy 13th Birthday Emmy!

Every Mom should have an "Emmy"! She's my right hand "girl" and I don't know what I'd do without her. She really is the perfect daughter and I LOVE being her Mom! We didn't know we were having a girl until she was born...and we were so excited for her to join our family!

My little (she's actually taller than I am) Emmer has been begging for a cell phone for months. I led her to believe there was no hope for one any time soon so it came as a big surprise!

And here she is RUNNING across the room to hug her dad and I!
Parenting tip: Kev and I have figured out if we tell the kids "no" over and over and over again, when we finally say "yes" they are much more appreciative :)

Emmy got to spend the week with Alexandra, who's been her BFF since they were 3!
Happy Birthday Emmer Lou Hoo! We love you!

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