Painting, Painting and more Painting
I have been slacking in the blogging has been a busy few weeks as we have been working on our house. We painted a couple of the kids bedrooms and have gutted the family room and are in the midst of painting and putting in a new floor. When it's all done it will be a fun movie/game room for Dad, I mean, the kids.

Me with my little painting buddy! Gracie keeps me company for hours... as I paint she sings to me and when she's not singing she's talking...hard to believe one little girl could have oh so much to say!

This pic of my dad turned out a little blurry... he's helping us get ready to lay the flooring. He's pretty much a professional Pergo installer! The blue paint you see is actually just the primer, the real color is a dark shade of blue.

So I have to say that I love to and my dad are painting buddies. I cut in and he rolls, although I really love to roll--it's therapy for me and over the last few weeks I've had enough therapy to last me several years. Kev helped me paint the family room...he was a quick learner and did a fine job!