Dakota had a great birthday! He's my easy going, no maintenance child! He's such a fun kid and always happy!

Papa Tom and Mama Jan came for Kota's birthday dinner. He chose homemade pizza.

Kota had a great football season! He was one of the teams top performers and gave 110% every game. He and Dad can't wait for next season!

With 5 years between Jackson and Dakota I had no idea they would be such great friends. Jackson has been a great big brother to Dakota. When Dakota was a baby he called him "little bud" and "Kodes".

Dakota got his nickname "BONES" several years ago when he and his dad were discussing possible nicknames for each other...Kota suggested "chips" for his Dad. Then Kota told Dad, "You can call me Bones", and he's been Bones ever since!

Dakota's always been his own man...with his own style...always doing his own thing...never caring what anyone thinks!