Back To School!

School started this past Monday. It marked the end of a GREAT summer!

Jackson is in the 9th grade. He measures himself weekly and this week he hit 5'9" (5'10" when he's wearing his Shocks!) He hopes to hit 6 feet by the end of the school year.

Emmy is in 7th grade and is so happy to be out of elementary school! All of Jackson's 9th grade friends have gone out of their way to make Emmer feel welcome...she pretends like they're a nuisance but deep down she loves all the attention! And, not to mention, these boys are CUTE!

Dakota is in 4th grade. He's also a working man--in addition to walking with his sister to and from school he gets paid to walk the neighbors 2 neices home.

Kloe started 1st grade. 1st grade is always a tough adjustment! She had afternoon kindergarten, so getting up early is no fun for Kloe! Kloe is in a program that teaches half the day in English and the other half in Spanish. She'll be in the program through 6th grade--we're told the kids will be pretty fluent in Spanish by the end of their 6th grade year. I don't know who's more excited, Kloe or Mom...I'll finally have a translator to take with me to the Walmart.


Shoe Shopping With Mama Linda!

Several years ago Kev's mom started a fun tradition where she takes the kids shoe shopping for school and out to lunch. The kids absolutely love it! She even takes the little ones who aren't in school...I forgot to take a picture of Gracie's but she chose a pair just like Kloe's. Thanks Grandma!

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