We Celebrated
This handsome kid was the ring bearer for my best friend, Marci's brother's wedding.

Jackson's holding Marci's baby, Bridger. He's such a sweet baby.
Jackson is doing great in school and loving it!
He can be so funny.
Sometimes when I drop him off to school he won't kiss me goodbye. One day he jumped out of the car before I could grab him, he slammed the door and then threw his head back and laughed as he ran to the playground. I laughed too! Such a stinker!
We also recently learned that he's a pretty good soccer player.
He had his first game last month, he'd never played before or even been to a practice and he scored the only two goals to win the game!

Emmy changed her name to Lisa for the wedding.
Lisa is pretty cute.

One of our favorite things to do when we are at the family cabin is go bowling in Heber.
The kids love it!
Even Dakota wanted part of the action.

Emmy beat both me and Jackson.

We celebrated Halloween in Salt Lake and St George!
Emmy was pretty happy to have an excuse to have a binkie.

My cousin Erica had her mission farewell so we went to St George to support her and also did some trunk-or-treating and trick-or-treating.
Sadly, Kevin got really sick and spent the entire trip in the hotel room.
I didn't feel well either, but was doing better than he was, so I took the kids to all the things. Besides, it's just like the book says, Mothers Can't Get Sick.

Lots of family came to see Erica.
It was so much fun!

Oh ya, and Emmy has decided to change her name to Dorothy.
She went from Lisa, to Dorothy, then Erica, and now she's back to Dorothy.
The other day she asked to see my wedding dress. She loves to talk about getting married and having babies. She's such a girl!!

It was a mini-family reunion.
Some of my Grandma Moon's sisters and brother-in-laws came too!
Jackson's holding Marci's baby, Bridger. He's such a sweet baby.
Jackson is doing great in school and loving it!
He can be so funny.
Sometimes when I drop him off to school he won't kiss me goodbye. One day he jumped out of the car before I could grab him, he slammed the door and then threw his head back and laughed as he ran to the playground. I laughed too! Such a stinker!
We also recently learned that he's a pretty good soccer player.
He had his first game last month, he'd never played before or even been to a practice and he scored the only two goals to win the game!
Emmy changed her name to Lisa for the wedding.
Lisa is pretty cute.
One of our favorite things to do when we are at the family cabin is go bowling in Heber.
The kids love it!
Even Dakota wanted part of the action.
Emmy beat both me and Jackson.
We celebrated Halloween in Salt Lake and St George!
Emmy was pretty happy to have an excuse to have a binkie.
My cousin Erica had her mission farewell so we went to St George to support her and also did some trunk-or-treating and trick-or-treating.
Sadly, Kevin got really sick and spent the entire trip in the hotel room.
I didn't feel well either, but was doing better than he was, so I took the kids to all the things. Besides, it's just like the book says, Mothers Can't Get Sick.
Lots of family came to see Erica.
It was so much fun!
Oh ya, and Emmy has decided to change her name to Dorothy.
She went from Lisa, to Dorothy, then Erica, and now she's back to Dorothy.
The other day she asked to see my wedding dress. She loves to talk about getting married and having babies. She's such a girl!!
It was a mini-family reunion.
Some of my Grandma Moon's sisters and brother-in-laws came too!