Emmy Diana Beck

April 1996
7 months pregnant

We moved in May!
I don't recommend moving eight months pregnant.
Colonial Mortuary (owned by the same people who own the Deseret Mortuary) had a four bedroom apartment available.  Colonial is just a few miles south of Deseret Mortuary, on State Street.  

(You can't see it in this picture but the apartment is on the second floor)
The rent is "free" but the responsibilities are different.  Kevin no longer picks up dead bodies, and I'm responsible for picking up death certificates from the different hospitals and Dr's offices throughout the day.  I can take the kids with me, so we are hoping it will be a good change and give Kevin more time for school.

After we committed to the move we found out homeless people were living in our stairway and porch.
We decided to paint the Colonial apartment before we moved in and when we'd show up each day to paint we'd find trash, beer cans, cigarettes and clothes from the night before.  I just hoped they'd stop coming around when they realized someone was living there.

Painting the apartment might have been a little too ambitious.
It took forever.
We also didn't anticipate how miserable it would be with no air conditioning.
But the space is really nice, and the apartment has lots of character.
Right after we moved in, I got really sick with an inner ear infection.  I'd never experienced anything like that.  I was so dizzy and nauseated with an ear and headache.  I threw up a bunch, (I never throw up) and one time Kevin had to pull over so I could puke on the side of the road.  IT WAS AWFUL.  I had to stay with my parents several days so my mom could take care of me during the day.  Jackson was so concerned about me.  He'd often ask if I was feeling better and in one of his prayers he said, "Please bless Mommy, she doesn't feel very good, she threw up!"  
Apparently inner ear infections can last three weeks.  I can testify that that is true.
If that wasn't fun enough, I had episodes where I couldn't see out of part of my eye and my arm and hand would go numb.  It happened while I was in the Dr's office for my 36 week appointment, so Dr Macy sent me down the street to an eye Dr.  Turns out, I have what are called vision migraines.  Awesome, and weird because my head doesn't really hurt when I'm having them.
We kept hoping the baby would come three weeks early, like Jackson.  I had constant braxton hicks for weeks leading up to the birth.  Our hot apartment was making my feet, hands and face swell even more than usual, and I just kept getting bigger and more uncomfortable.
We were convinced it was a girl, since she was being so stubborn.

Dr Macy decided to induce me at noon on Tuesday, June 18th.
I thought that sounded like a great day for a birthday :)
When I woke up that morning I thought my water had broke, so we went to the hospital at 7am instead.
My water hadn't actually broke, but I was dilated between a 4-5 and having mild contractions so they admitted me.
I walked the halls for a while, and then they gave me some pitosin.
At about 3pm the baby kicked hard and my water broke.

I wasn't having any painful contractions, but I went ahead and had them give me an epidural since I was too chicken to deliver without one.
At 5:30pm I was dilated to a 10. 
The Doc arrived at 6 and it was go time.
I pushed three times and at 6:33pm we had a baby.
Dr Macy held up the baby so we could see it was a she!!
We were so excited!

We named her Emmy Diana Beck, after my Grandma Emmy and Grandma Dee Dee.
She weighed 8.7
My sister Natalie was there to film the delivery.

Kevin was great through the entire labor and delivery.
He was born to do this.
He told me afterwards, that he wanted to cry so badly when Emmy was born, but he had to be "a man".
I didn't have to be "a man", so I went ahead and cried.
He stayed with me for the entire hospital stay, and we kept Emmy with us so I could nurse her.
She's been nursing like a champ!

The epidural made me pretty sick and took a while to wear off, but by the next day I felt really good.

I didn't love my hospital stay.
Our insurance covered 48 hours, but after one night the nurses kept asking me if I was ready to go home.  The food was terrible, and the room was dreary.

Jackson loved Emmy instantly.
He'd say, Look at her!
Look at her little eyes
Look at her little nose
Look at her little ears
She's a sweetheart

Jackson seems so big now!
I can't believe we have two kids!
Two beautiful kids.

Both of our families came to meet Emmy, along with Marci and Rhett.

I had my couple of days of the baby blues a few days after she was born.
The same thing happened with Jax.
I'm just a big ball of blubbery emotion.
I cry it out, and then I feel better.

I am so grateful for our little family.
These babies really help put life into perspective.

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