Our First Home

We have the cutest little basement apartment.
The location is perfect for school, just one street west of Old Main Hill.
We found it in December.
Between the great location and the rent only being $325. a month, we went ahead and signed the lease and have been paying for it since January.

It's very cozy with one bedroom, one bathroom, a living room and a tiny kitchen the two of us can barely fit in.

The new quarter has begun.  I have 17 credits and am working about 10 hours a week taking notes for handicapped students.  I'm at school from 8am-5:45pm.  I'm overwhelmed but have figured out a way to graduate a quarter early, so it will be worth it.

Kevin started a construction job a few days after we got married.  It paid $6. an hour.
He came home his first day sunburned, covered in dirt and mud, and in tons of pain from the hard labor.  He looked terrible.  I've never seen him like that.  He told me he didn't think he could go back the next day.  I told him one of the companies he'd applied to had called earlier that day for an interview.  He interviewed, they hired him, and a few days later he was delivering paper from Logan to Provo for Watkins printing.  It pays a dollar less an hour, but his days fly by and he loves it, so it's worth the pay cut!

We also picked up a cleaning job.  We clean Zions Bank every morning before school and work to earn some extra money to put in our savings account.  We set a goal to be debt free when we got married and to live on less than we make.  So far we are doing pretty well. 

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