
Thank you Mama Jan for the fancy dress ups!
Janie wore them all day!

The travel trailer project continues...



Tonight on our walk the husband discussed his plans for solar panels to charge the batteries to the trailer.  He's been researching the most efficient ways to power this baby.  He also filled me in on how many amps it takes to run a toaster, microwave, rope lights (only 1 amp for the rope lights as apposed to like 85 for the microwave, who knew?) and a flat screen TV.

Kloe and Sadie sang their little hearts out to some Taylor Swift at the talent show today.  They did great!  At least what little bit I heard sounded great-- Lilly decided to throw a crying fit right when it was their turn to perform and I had to take her out :(
Speaking of Taylor Swift.  I had a revelation today (it's not very often that I get these so I thought I'd mention it).  It is like pulling teeth to get Kloe to practice her violin.  She isn't a big fan of the Suzuki songs so I ordered her Taylor Swift music for the violin.  Wish I'd thought of doing that sooner.

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