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Emmy documenting a "good hair day"...she had to get a picture since they are so few and far between. Also, check out the new window behind her, courtesy of Jax putting a baseball bat through the old one.

Kloe made this cute turkey at her first Achievement Day activity! She was so excited to finally be able to go to Achievement Days she could hardly sleep the night before!

Our 2 little (well, one big, one little) violinists...the girls did amazing at their Chamber Concert!

The boys checked out a Lego exhibit in Park City on the way home from one of their fishing trips. (Bones is a big time lego man)

Strawberry Reservoir--Jackson's fishing is getting a little better!

But not as "better" as his little brother :)

The little girls and I took advantage of the warm November weather and had a "Panda" picnic on the temple grounds...of course we had to get an "elevator" picture in the Joseph Smith building!

Seeing her two cute sisters with all that hair gives Janey some hope for her own little bald head!

Kloe and Gracie love the orange chicken at Panda...Janers prefers the noodles!

And last but not least here's Janie enjoying her favorite TV show...

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