Happy 4th Birthday Gracie!

Our Gracie turned 4 today...the birthday festivities have actually been going on for several days. It seems our kids have more of a birthweek with all of the various parties with family and friends.

Kev and I have enjoyed having Gracie all to ourselves during the day with all the kids in school. She is so easy going and has such a funny sense of humor...it cracks us up how such a tiny little thing can carry on such grown up conversations.

Last week Mama Linda and Aunt Tami took Gracie to get a Build-a-Bear for her birthday. She loved every minute of it!

Dad and the kids made Gracie a birthday breakfast of belgium waffles with strawberries and whipped cream and don't forget the sausage--her favorite!

Emmy made Gracie a Princess Castle birthday cake! She's taking after her Aunt Natalie (who makes the most amazing birthday cakes).

The Spanking Machine--A Beck Family Tradition!

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