Kloe Goes to Court - A few more thoughts

Kloe's anxiety has improved so much this past year, however she is still working to manage it.  Since school started her anxiety has crept up here and there.  She's had a couple of big attacks that reminded her she'll always have to manage it on some level.  She ended up coming home from school both times but she went right back the next day.  She knows what to do and she knows if it gets to the point where it feels too hard we can go back to Court.

Kloe wrote down her thoughts and some advice about anxiety earlier this year...

For those of you who don’t know what anxiety can feel like:
Its more than just being nervous or worried about something. It’s more than overthinking a situation or being scared of a certain outcome. 
Sometimes it’s just while you’re driving and all of a sudden you start shaking and you’re not sure why because everything was fine a couple seconds ago. 
Sometimes it’s waking up in the middle of the night panicking and choking on every word because you’re so upset and again, most of the time, you don’t even really know why. 
Sometimes you’ll be in a class and be overwhelmed with a feeling of sadness or terror that’ll make it so much worse because everything seems like it should be fine, but since you’re feeling this way, something must be wrong. 
Anxiety is seeing a situation and twisting it into the worst possible scenario WITHOUT really wanting to, or trying to. 
Sometimes people don’t understand the severity of it and that’s okay but it’s not okay to underestimate the power that anxiety can have over a person. 
It will keep them from doing something that could be really fun. 
It can convince you that nobody wants to hear from you and that you’re already annoying everyone. 
Sometimes it’s when you have a headache and instead of thinking “oh i should take some ibuprofen til it passes” its “what if there is a deeper reason behind this headache? is everything okay with my body? will i make it through today?” and maybe it sounds silly but in the moment, inside the anxious mind, it is very, very real. 

I just want to say that it can and will get better. There might come a day when you’re done and beyond sadness because you just want the constant fear to end, you just want to feel good again and just feel normal and it’ll be really hard to keep going. It will be really hard but it’s going to be okay. you are okay. you are loved by many and you are a beacon of light in others lives.  

Things that have helped me:
- Pick a song. Mine is A Child’s Prayer. Every time you’re in a situation that makes you feel anxious start to hum or think or sing your song. 
- Talk to someone. If you’re feeling anxious make yourself busy with another subject. Keep your mind busy with good topics and speak with someone about something else. 
- If you’re religious, or maybe even if you’re not, pray. God is there and he’s listening to you. He wants you to feel better
- Essential oils! Get something to smell when you’re feeling anxious. It sounds weird but it works 
- Make sure you’re breathing evenly. Couple seconds in, couple seconds out
- Talk about your anxiety. You are not alone. A lot of people know what it’s like and you can find solace in others. I know it’ll help. 
It’s hard and scary. But it will not break you. You can get through it. It will pass and you will be okay and you can be ready for when it comes back. Because the sad thing about it is it will never go away but that doesn’t mean that you can’t be ready to fight it and treat it in the best possible way for yourself. 
It is serious and it does feel like sometimes your entire world is crumbling to pieces but I KNOW it’s possible to over come it. 
Trust yourself enough to know that you are stronger than your anxiety and it doesn’t matter what other people might think. You can do it.

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