Practicing, Clearing and Cleanings

Kloe and I have an on-going battle with her violin.  She begs to quit, I say no.  She is a slacker when it comes to practicing.  I threaten, bribe, and beg.  It's exhausting.  The last couple of weeks however have been so nice.  I may have finally hit on something that works (long term--we'll see).  We made a deal--If she practices in the morning, without complaining or me telling her to practice, and she practices like she means it, then I unload her dishwasher for her the rest of the day.  It's been 2 weeks of this and it's working beautifully.  My blood pressure has stayed under control, no dirty looks from Kloe, in fact she's been a lot more pleasant.  Win/Win!  Crossing my fingers it sticks!

Still Spring clearing...filled the family truckster half full of stuff for the DI today.

Our little Dentist hater has done a 180 and is simply delightful during our dentist visits.  Happy day for Mom and all the staff at Berg Pediatrics!  She was even excited to hear she gets to go back for some fillings.


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