Ode to Dakota

Ode =
  1. A lyric poem in the form of an address to a particular subject, often elevated in style or manner and written in varied or irregular meter.
  2. A poem meant to be sung.
Once upon a time there were 2 boys who shared a room.
It was a mess
It was a mess
It was a mess 97% of the time.

(The hall on the way to the boys messy room)

And did you know?
And did you know?
They shared this lovely bathroom too.
Which WAS always messy 97% of the time!

And when the mother would tell the sons...
Please clean your room
Please clean your bathroom
They would always blame the other brother...
For the big mess
For the big mess

Then Jackson left
and moved to Logan
to go to college
And ever since he left
The bedroom and the bathroom has never been so clean...
So it looks like the big brother was the problem :)
But we still love and miss him so much--but his messes, not so much!

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