
The last 3 nights have been rough.  I think I've gotten a combined total of 9 hours sleep.  Usually when I can't sleep it's because my mind won't turn off but these last few nights it's been my pregnant body not being able to get comfortable.  So today it all caught up with me and I was spent.  Didn't get out of my pajamas, didn't do my hair, I just sat in my recliner, lay in my bed and pretty much did nothing but try and rest and sleep.

The husband took the kids and did the monthly Costco trip.  He about choked when he saw the bill.  He often comes with me but I always pay at the check out.  He was even more shocked when I told him it was actually quite a bit less than the average bill :)

I've been emotional today...it's been a while since I've had one of those days.  Usually my emotional days stem from feelings about the baby and often gratitude for how blessed we've been these past few months.  Today I think it was from just plain physical exhaustion.  It's a wonder what a good nap and a good cry can do for person--I feel so much better :)  And a big thanks to the husband and kids for taking care of everything today!

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