Chilled at the Pineapple House

Sunday we surprised Em and showed up in her Sacrament Meeting so we could hear her play "How Great Thou Art" with her cousin Haylee.

I will never ever get tired of hearing Emmy perform.  
They sounded amazing.

After church we chilled at the Pineapple House while our dinner cooked.  We surprised Em with Sunday dinner too.  And then we convinced her to skip school and work and come home early with us for Thanksgiving :).

We discussed many topics but the main one was, "Does God have a specific plan for each of us?".  Kev and I were on the same page with our answer.  We think God's plan is for us to learn and progress and make the choices that will enable us to return to Him.  I think he'll sometimes guide us in one direction or the other but he ultimately gives us our agency to make choices and decisions.  If our focus is on Him and we are keeping our covenants all things work together for our good.

While we talked, Lilly snuggled right into Emmy's bed and fell asleep.

When we got home we watched the Face to Face with Elder Oaks and Elder Ballard.
It was geared towards young adults but good counsel for everyone.  You can watch it HERE.

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