Lilly the Feisty Ghost

Em Halloweening it up with her cute roommates...

For the last few weeks Lilly has been telling me she wants to be a ghost for Halloween.
I keep thinking she'll change her mind and go with some sort of princess but she isn't budging. I looked online for a ghost costume and couldn't find anything I liked so I have conjured up a simple ghost costume creation in my mind and we bought supplies today.

Then later this afternoon I talked to Mommy Marci and it just so happens she has a ghost costume she made for one of her kids that might fit Lilly.  Mommy Marci makes awesome costumes so I am crossing my fingers it will fit and I won't have to pull out the sewing machine.

I am re-reading one of my favorite books right now.
Love this author.
I've been thinking about what I read this morning...
Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin explains, "There is a spark of greatness in every one of us--a gift from our loving and eternal Heavenly Father.  What we do with that gift is up to us."  Emily goes on to say, One of the most important opportunities we will have in this life is to learn to recognize what that spark of greatness is.  Discovering what we have to offer is one of the keys to living the abundant life.
This is one of the reasons we can't shut The Lord out of our lives.  He wants to help us reach our potential and find the greatness that lies within every one of us.

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